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What are the Benefits of Probiotics?

Probiotics refer to organisms that are known to boost health. Many foods and supplements contain probiotics, such as bacteria and yeast. Although the idea of consuming live bacteria may seem unnatural, the truth is that most of these microorganisms are helpful. Probiotics are capable of improving your intestinal function and fighting bacteria that cause diarrhea. When you suffer from digestive disorders, the balance of friendly bacteria in your intestines is usually affected, and the lining of your intestines also tends to get damaged. Probiotics help by restoring this delicate balance and maintaining the integrity of the intestine lining.

Bacteria are known to cause various diseases, so taking foods and supplements that contain certain types of live bacteria can greatly help in fighting bad bacteria and preventing sicknesses. Over the years, there have been plenty of scientific evidence suggesting that probiotics are beneficial microorganisms, with the ability to treat and prevent some illnesses. Digestive disease specialists recommend probiotic supplements for irritable bowel syndrome and other disorders. According to clinical research, probiotics and digestive enzymes help treat urinary infections in women, and gastrointestinal diseases. They also help slow down the development of allergies among children.

Taking probiotic supplements allows your body to self-dose with good bacteria. Each normal and healthy bowel contains around 100 trillion microorganisms that represent over 500 varying species. These gut-dwelling bacteria are essential in keeping harmful microorganisms, called pathogens, in check, and they also help your body better digest and absorb nutrients. Moreover, they help boost your immune system. Researchers believe that the friendly bacteria in probiotic supplements challenge the immune system in good ways. Many women take probiotics or eat yogurt to treat yeast infections. Several studies also look into the benefits of probiotic therapy to help patients with Crohn’s disease. The best known benefit of probiotics is treating diarrhea.

Specialists at Yale University concluded in 2011 that probiotics help treat ulcerative colitis, childhood diarrhea, necrotizing enterocolitis, and eczema. Other probiotics benefits include the prevention of pouchitis and antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Additionally, a study in 2010 revealed that probiotics can help reduce the risk of childhood illnesses, such as colds, strep throat, and ear infections.

In general, taking probiotic supplements is considered safe and causes only few side effects. For hundreds of years, people from all parts of the globe have been eating cheeses, yogurt, and various other foods with live cultures. When deciding to take probiotics, it’s best to consult a practitioner who is familiar with probiotics. Let your doctor know about the type of supplement you’re taking, as well as the ingredients.

Photo by NIAID
